TEDxEindhoven Vacancies
TEDx in Eindhoven
TEDxEindhoven is an organisation of volunteers that are working on organising TEDx events for the community of Eindhoven throughout the year across different platforms to discover and exchange the latest ideas on Technology, Entertainment & Design. Under the official license of the TED organisation we bring together speakers to stimulate meaningful thoughts, actions and conversations that are worth spreading.
Although TEDx events are organised throughout all cities over the world we try to find the best connection for the TEDx format with the city of Eindhoven. The open culture of this city has showed its resilience over the years by finding an unique collaboration between education, government and entrepreneurs (triple helix). We want to add TEDxEindhoven to this open culture and use it as a reflection on the current developments within the city, make a capture for history and give a new perspective on the near future. More importantly we want to inspire the citizens of Eindhoven to look beyond their own border and show them that they are able to inspire and be inspired.
In this way we want to show the world what is happening in Eindhoven, but moreover what still can happen.
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