COVID-19 Update: TEDxEindhoven 2020 Postpones

There’s no doubt about it, we’ve been hit with some hard times. TEDxEindhoven tries to stay on top of the recent health codes and take our responsibility when it comes to TEDxEindhoven events. TEDxEindhoven will follow the policy of the Dutch RIVM around COVID-19 carefully. Which means that TEDxEindhoven 2020: Chasing Footprints has to be postponed to a later to be determined date in 2021.

We listed the most frequently asked questions for you here:

Q: Why is TEDxEindhoven 2020: Chasing Footprints postponed?
The RIVM decided not to allow any events in the Netherlands until the 1st of June 2020. This due to the wide spreading COVID-19 virus. TEDxEindhoven has to follow these rules.

Q: What is the new date of TEDxEindhoven 2020: Chasing Footprints?
TEDxEindhoven is not the only organization that has to be postpone it’s event(s) to a later date. Due the new policy, we are all forced to postpone or even cancel our events. As a reaction, we expect that this summer and fall will be extremely busy. Therefor it will be harder to find another venue for TEDxEindhoven 2020. Because of this we decided to postpone TEDxEindhoven 2020 to next year: 2021. The definite date will be announced later on. We can promise that it will still be a day in the weekend.

Q: Is it still possible to buy a ticket?
Ticketsales for TEDxEindhoven 2020 is currently closed and will reopen as soon as possible. Please register for our newsletter for the latests updates.

Q: I bought a ticket. Is my ticket still valid for the new date?
Your ticket is still valid for the new date in 2021. That date will be announced soon. You will receive a new e-mail with the new date and location. This day will still take place during a weekend.

Q: How can I get a refund?
If you’d rather cancel your ticket for TEDxEindhoven 2020: Chasing Footprints, please send an e-mail to with ‘Refund’ as the subject. You will receive a confirmation asap. It will take some time before your money is restored in your bank account.

Q: I have another question
If your question is not listed in the questions above, please contact .

Q: How can I stay up to date?
To get the latests updates, please follow us on social media or subscribe to our TEDxEindhoven newsletter, through our website. In the unfortunate case of cancellation of our event, you will receive a service e-mail with more information.

Q: I want to help TEDxEindhoven. What are my options?
We are Always looking for partners to invest our for new volunteers to join our enthusiastic team. Learn more about partnerships here. Learn more about volunteer oppurtinities here.

Learn more about the Coronavirus from one of our leading health experts.
Watch the video

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