Love. Discrimination. Addiction. TEDxEindhoven Pitch Event has it all!

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Love. Discrimination. Addiction.
TEDxEindhoven Pitch Event has it all!


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What happens when you ask twelve innovators, dreamers and change-makers to share their ideas with the world? The TEDxEindhoven Pitch Event happens!

For our first event in 2017 we’re excited to bring you a standout lineup of topics including human resources innovation, creative brainstorming, the power of play and many more ideas worth spreading. Our Pitchers are ready to share their ideas with you and prove why they deserve a spot on the main stage at the TEDxEindhoven 2017 event in November.

TEDxEindhoven is proud to introduce our Pitchers…

Eliska Slovakova
Design Privateer. Graphic Artist. Connecting art with engineering and stories.
TOPIC: Creative Brainstorming

Inge van de Vorst
Love Doctor. Owner De Liefdesdokter. Learning together about connection.
TOPIC: Love in the Biggest Way

Mats Frijters
Job Coach. Passion for Hospitality. Always trying to make the world a little better.
TOPIC: Social Hospitality

Frank van Valkenhoef
Design Engineer. Autodidact Programmer. Passion for traditional and newly forming crafts.
TOPIC: Human Computer Interactions

Ophelia Ford-Welman
Experience Designer. Conceptual Thinker. Lover of narrative.
TOPIC: Designing Experience with all the Senses: Education

Danny Stirn
Image Designer. Art Director. Cherishes those individuals that others might misunderstand.
TOPIC: Exploitation and Discrimination of Visual Subcultures

Patricia Plantinga
Project Manager. Mentor. Passionate about managing multicultural teams.
TOPIC: Human Resources Innovation

Ineke Noordhuizen
Actress. Engineer. Challenging herself and others to play.
TOPIC: The Power of Play

Lotte Geertsen
Account Manager. Brainport citizen. Making incremental and radical innovations happen.
TOPIC: The Best Way to Have a Good Idea is to Share Lots of Ideas

Victor van Rossum
Recovering Addict. Youth Care Student. Giving back.
TOPIC: Addiction

Mats Horbach
Artist. Owner Atelier Mats. Fascinated by the invisible elements around us.
TOPIC: Understanding Technology

Eden Siregar & Noadiah Diaz
Aruban and Indonesian. One goal. Breaking stereotypes.
TOPIC: Unite Diversity


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